Ask our parents the question "Why does your child attend boarding school?" and you'll get answers like these:
- "There are only eighteen students in his math class." "She's getting an edge that will give her the advantage in college."
- "The 24-hour structure really helps him stay focused!"
- "We finally found a school that challenges her."
- "His school has a great choral music program."
- "It's a safe environment where my children can learn!"
An ongoing study has revealed that students in private independent schools watch far less television, take more advanced coursework, achieve at the highest reading proficiency level and are more involved in afternoon activities and team sports. Many families choose boarding schools for their children because of the college preparation that the schools provide. With small class sizes, diverse curricula, and individual attention from faculty and advisors, the boarding school experience gives students many distinct advantages.
Boarding school students know how to study independently, how to budget their time, set goals for themselves, think for themselves, get along with others, accept responsibility and be active participants - not passive recipients.
Boarding school students learn about themselves and gain self-esteem by trying new things and taking risks. Our schools offer hundreds of afternoon and weekend activities that teach students important lessons outside the classroom. These carefully supervised programs allow students to explore new interests and discover new talents and dreams.

Dormitory Life:
During the academic year, Indian boarding schools become extended families where teachers and students live and learn together. The 24-hour community of a boarding school environment allows the faculty to seize every teachable moment whether in the classroom, on the playing field, the dining room table, or in the dormitory.
The boarding school experience is singular and dynamic. It refuses to limit learning to the classroom or the conventional academic day. Sharing a boarding school campus twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week with friends, teachers, coaches and mentors is the difference. Students learn that diversity is the cornerstone of community and that every person has a valuable contribution to make. Outside the classroom, boarding school students learn about themselves by trying new things and taking risks.
Teachers and students bring with them diverse ethnic, racial, socio-economic, and cultural perspectives and share them in academic and social settings. Boarding schools not only value such vibrant communities but also actively seek to create them. A person's individual traits, interests, and heritage are considered valuable assets that enhance and strengthen the overall community.